
2020年3月2日—文章浏览阅读5.3w次,点赞19次,收藏12次。问题:使用PuttySSH登录某些主机时报错“Couldn.,2020年12月15日—前陣子Ptt在進行系統更新之後,原本慣用的連線工具程式pietty就再也無法以SSH連線了,會出現「Couldn'tagreeakeyexchangealgorithmbl.,00andControl-MManagedFileTransfer9.0.00.TheworkaroundistoenableanotherkeyexchangealgorithmontheSSHserver,forexample:diffie-hellman-group14 ...,2019年6月13日—...

解决Putty报错“Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm” 原创

2020年3月2日 — 文章浏览阅读5.3w次,点赞19次,收藏12次。问题:使用Putty SSH登录某些主机时报错“Couldn.


2020年12月15日 — 前陣子Ptt 在進行系統更新之後, 原本慣用的連線工具程式pietty 就再也無法以SSH 連線了, 會出現「Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm bl.

psftp_connect failed : ERROR

00 and Control-M Managed File Transfer 9.0.00. The workaround is to enable another key exchange algorithm on the SSH server, for example: diffie-hellman-group14 ...

PuTTY fatal error (Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm ...

2019年6月13日 — RSA SecurID Knowledge Base. PuTTY fatal error (Couldn't agree a key exchange ... Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm (availalbe: ecdh-sha2 ...

SSH Shell fail

I'm getting this error trying to connect to PFSENSE 3.2: Fatal error: Please make sure your connection settings are valid. Couldn't agree a key exchange ...

"Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm" error with SSH ...

2023年2月12日 — Cause. The Couldn't agree a key exchange algorithm is expected behavior with older versions of PuTTy or WinSCP.

ssh - Putty on client

2022年4月27日 — My issue is that I have a putty client on a windows machine, trying to ssh to a Linux server (CentOS). The putty version is very old and it is ...

PuTTY Fatal error

2021年4月16日 — I think the problem is that your PuTTY version is too old. Out of the signature methods offered by the server, ECDSA signatures ( ecdsa-sha2- ...

Fix Putty's 'Key Exchange Algorithm Agreement' error

2021年12月29日 — Ever encounter the 'Couldn't Agree a Key Exchange Algorithm' error when you fail to connect with Putty to an AWS EC2 instance or other ...